Model standing at a bar

Steigenberger Icons

Steigenberger Icons



Come up with the idea and create the script, production, model casting, direction, editing, and color-grading. The end goal was a corporate video for the 5 most luxurious hotels for the Steigenberger brand.



These videos resulted in a unified corporate video product for the Steigenberger Icons hotels accross Europe.




Art direction



Videographer filming a model in a luxiurious restaurant
Videographer filming a model in a luxiurious restaurant
Videographer filming a model on a bed, reading her tablet in a hotel room
Videographer filming a model on a bed, reading her tablet in a hotel room
Videographer directing a scene, in a hotel with multiple lights in a luxiurious hotel
Model sitting on a couch in a luxiurious room
Model sitting in the bar of an hotel with a cocktail in front of her
Model sitting in the bar of an hotel with a cocktail in front of her
Model standing at a bar
Model standing at a bar
Model thinking with high heels on a bed in an hotel room